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CNK, a RAF-binding multidomain protein required for RAS signaling.

Kinase suppressor of ras (ksr) is required for efficient signal transmission within the RAS/MAPK cascade. A screen for mutations that modify a ksr-dependent phenotype identified a novel gene, connector enhancer of ksr (cnk), that functions upstream or in parallel to RAF in the RAS pathway. cnk encodes a protein containing several protein-protein interaction domains, suggesting that it brings different signaling molecules together. CNK is required in multiple receptor tyrosine kinase pathways where it appears to be a tyrosine phosphorylation target. Finally, CNK physically interacts with RAF and appears to localize to cell-cell contact regions. Together, these findings suggest that CNK is a novel component of a RAS-dependent signaling pathway that regulates RAF function and/or targets RAF to a specific subcellular compartment upon RAS activation.

Publication date
octobre 30, 1998
Principal Investigators
Therrien M, Wong AM, Rubin GM
PubMed reference
Cell 1998;95(3):343-53
PubMed ID
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley 94720-3200, USA.