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Publication — IRIC

Extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 regulate the balance between eccentric and concentric cardiac growth.

An increase in cardiac afterload typically produces concentric hypertrophy characterized by an increase in cardiomyocyte width, whereas volume overload or exercise results in eccentric growth characterized by cellular elongation and addition of sarcomeres in series. The signaling pathways that control eccentric versus concentric heart growth are not well understood.

Publication date
janvier 21, 2011
Principal Investigators
Kehat I, Davis J, Tiburcy M, Accornero F, Saba-El-Leil MK, Maillet M, York AJ, Lorenz JN, Zimmermann WH, Meloche S, Molkentin JD
PubMed reference
Circ. Res. 2011;108(2):176-83
PubMed ID
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 240 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039, USA.