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Publication — IRIC

Legal and Ethical Considerations for the Design and Use of Web Portals for Researchers, Clinicians, and Patients: Scoping Literature Review.

This study aims to identify a novel potential use for web portals in health care and health research: their adoption for the purposes of rapidly sharing health research findings with clinicians, scientists, and patients. In the era of precision medicine and learning health systems, the translation of research findings into targeted therapies depends on the availability of big data and emerging research results. Web portals may work to promote the availability of novel research, working in tandem with traditional scientific publications and conference proceedings.

Publication date
November 11, 2021
Principal Investigators
Lang M, Lemieux S, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Zawati MH
PubMed reference
J Med Internet Res 2021;23(11):e26450
PubMed ID
Centre of Genomics and Policy, Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.