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Publication — IRIC

Effector membrane translocation biosensors reveal G protein and βarrestin coupling profiles of 100 therapeutically relevant GPCRs.

The recognition that individual GPCRs can activate multiple signaling pathways has raised the possibility of developing drugs selectively targeting therapeutically relevant ones. This requires tools to determine which G proteins and barrestins are activated by a given receptor. Here, we present a set of BRET sensors monitoring the activation of the 12 G protein subtypes based on the translocation of their effectors to the plasma membrane (EMTA). Unlike most of the existing detection systems, EMTA does not require modification of receptors or G proteins (except for Gs). EMTA was found to be suitable for the detection of constitutive activity, inverse agonism, biased signaling and polypharmacology. Profiling of 100 therapeutically relevant human GPCRs resulted in 1,500 pathway-specific concentration-response curves and revealed a great diversity of coupling profiles ranging from exquisite selectivity to broad promiscuity. Overall, this work describes unique resources for studying the complexities underlying GPCR signaling and pharmacology.

Date de publication
18 March 2022
Avet C, Mancini A, Breton B, Le Gouill C, Hauser AS, Normand C, Kobayashi H, Gross F, Hogue M, Lukasheva V, St-Onge S, Carrier M, Héroux M, Morissette S, Fauman EB, Fortin JP, Schann S, Leroy X, Gloriam DE, Bouvier M
Référence PubMed
Elife 2022;11:e74101
ID PubMed
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Montreal, Montréal, Canada.