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Fondation Marcel et Rolande Gosselin: A major donation renewal for IRIC’s chemolibrary

Published on juin 1, 2021

Convinced that IRIC’s model contributes to achieving the mission of the Fondation Marcel et Rolande Gosselin, and excited about the recent advances generated by the Institute’s research teams, the Trustees of the Fondation Marcel et Rolande Gosselin announce a $500,000 donation renewal for IRIC’s chemolibrary.

This major donation will expand the collection of molecules by funding the synthesis of innovative new molecules that will take their place alongside existing compounds; it represents one more step towards the discovery of promising molecules for cancer patients. For the Trustees, the renewal of this major donation to IRIC’s chemolibrary is an opportunity to not only honour the memory of Marcel and Rolande Gosselin, but also to demonstrate their commitment to supporting cancer research, a cause that they held particularly dear.