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Publication — IRIC

Silicone Particles in Capsules Around Breast Implants: An Investigation Into Currently Available Implants in North America.

Breast implants have always been composed of a silicone elastomer envelope filled with either silicone gel or saline. Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a set of symptoms which has previously been linked to the leakage of silicone particles from the implants into the body.

Publication date
décembre 11, 2023
Principal Investigators
Danino MA, Dziubek M, Dalfen J, Bonapace-Potvin M, Gaboury L, Giot JP, Laurent R
PubMed reference
Aesthet Surg J 2023
PubMed ID
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Montreal Hospital Center (CHUM), Montreal, Canada.