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Lucyle Depoërs, doctoral student and science communicator, presents the magazine L’ÉclairSci

Published on octobre 31, 2023

IRIC is proud to support the creation of the new magazine l‘ÉclairSci. Initiated by doctoral student Lucyle Depoërs, from Claude Perreault’s laboratory, the project will present scientific studies carried out by IRIC teams in the form of popularized infographics. In a digital form, l‘ÉclairSci aims to share the latest advances in cancer research with the general public.

Meet Lucyle, the driving force behind this inspiring project.


Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Lucyle Depoërs (L. D.) : I’m French, originally from Alsace – the land of storks and pretzels! I completed a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences in Lausanne, Switzerland, during which my interest in immunology developed. Besides that, I love reading, my cat, sport and spending time with my friends; I’m a person who doesn’t stand still very much!


What are you working on at IRIC?

L. D.: I’m in my fifth year of doctoral studies on the aging of the thymus, the organ responsible for T-cell maturation. I’m particularly interested in the degeneration of this organ during pregnancy.


Where does your interest in science communication and outreach come from?

L. D.: When I was growing up, my father read a lot of science magazines. On the way home from school, he in turn simplified many aspects of life for me, such as the color of the sky. This inspired me to become that person who explains complex concepts in a simple way.

I’m also convinced that scientific misinformation can have dramatic consequences for society. That is why it is essential to include a broad public in the sharing and discussion of research discoveries. My aim is to make science accessible to everyone, to foster an informed and informative understanding of different issues.


Can you tell us a little about the genesis of the l’ÉclairSci project?

L D. : Despite the advent of digital magazines, new generations are reading less and less. Social networks propel all kind of information at high speed, and few people have the time and patience to read long articles that delve deeply into a given subject. Yet popular science magazines are an excellent way to fight misinformation. That’s why I’m aiming to make them more dynamic by presenting them in infographic form, in the hope of attracting more readers, young and old alike. Thanks to this visually appealing format, I hope to make science more accessible and arouse interest in subjects that are important to our society.

Thank you, Lucyle, for your commitment, and congratulations on the creation of l‘ÉclairSci! The first issue will be launched in 2024, stay tuned!