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Support the CPS Projects

“The country’s current funding model meets only part of our Investigators’ needs. The IRIC aims to bridge that gap by involving the business community. We believe that business leaders can play a vital role in facilitating the discovery of new anti-cancer drugs. By supporting our Investigators, you are closely involved in discoveries that will have a major impact on the health of patients and on the fight against cancer.”

Michel Bouvier, Chief Executive Officer

Cancer, the leading cause of death in the country

Beyond its dire consequences on patients and their families, cancer also places an enormous strain on society as a result of its adverse impact on the healthcare system and the country’s economy. Because cancer is a highly complex disease (with over 200 types of cancer), we must be creative in charting paths for new personalized therapeutic solutions benefiting every patient.

We must innovate right from the fundamental research step. That said, the types of projects with great potential for new drug discovery are often high-risk and therefore rarely secure funding from traditional public funding organizations. Yet these projects have the capacity to revolutionize the cancer research landscape.

Help us innovate

By supporting us, you can create change in cancer research by stimulating innovation. Past transformative donations have already created a paradigm shift in traditional research models and generated tangible discoveries benefiting us all. They have also spawned new businesses and led to proof of concept studies, clinical trials and potential new therapies.

There are many success stories that serve to illustrate the impact that donations, which generate hope, can have on scientific advances that translate into new treatments benefiting patients. Dr. Claude Perreault and his team are a prime example. Their research goal is to defeat cancer cells by using immune cells as a personalized and safe weapon to fight cancer.

Eight years ago, Dr. Perreault received an initial donation of $100,000. Since then, his research has benefited from grants in the order of $16,200,000, representing a leverage effect of 16,000%. In addition to uncovering powerful ways of harnessing our own immune system to fight cancer, his research also led to the creation of SpecificiT Pharma Inc., a new company financed by start-up funds from AmorChem, Sanderling Ventures and Accel-Rx.

To date, the team has also identified a unique collection of over 100 antigens mainly or only present in leukemia cells. Furthermore, the financial support that Dr. Perreault has received so far already bodes well for the future development of therapeutic vaccines against several types of cancer.

Your donations, our achievements

Your donations really do generate success. Together, let’s increase the chances of accelerating the translation of research into new therapeutic solutions to fight cancer.