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Publication — IRIC

Quantitative SUMO proteomics reveals the modulation of several PML nuclear body associated proteins and an anti-senescence function of UBC9.

Several regulators of SUMOylation have been previously linked to senescence but most targets of this modification in senescent cells remain unidentified. Using a two-step purification of a modified SUMO3, we profiled the SUMO proteome of senescent cells in a site-specific manner. We identified 25 SUMO sites on 23 proteins that were significantly regulated during senescence. Of note, most of these proteins were PML nuclear body (PML-NB) associated, which correlates with the increased number and size of PML-NBs observed in senescent cells. Interestingly, the sole SUMO E2 enzyme, UBC9, was more SUMOylated during senescence on its Lys-49. Functional studies of a UBC9 mutant at Lys-49 showed a decreased association to PML-NBs and the loss of UBC9’s ability to delay senescence. We thus propose both pro- and anti-senescence functions of protein SUMOylation.

Publication date
mai 17, 2018
Principal Investigators
McManus FP, Bourdeau V, Acevedo M, Lopes-Paciencia S, Mignacca L, Lamoliatte F, Rojas Pino JW, Ferbeyre G, Thibault P
PubMed reference
Sci Rep 2018;8(1):7754
PubMed ID
Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC H3C 3J7, Canada.