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Publication — IRIC

EVI1-rearranged acute myeloid leukemias are characterized by distinct molecular alterations.

The genetic and transcriptional signature of EVI1 (ecotropic viral integration site 1)-rearranged (EVI1-r) acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) remains poorly defined. We performed RNA sequencing of 12 EVI1-r AMLs and compared the results with those of other AML subtypes (n = 139) and normal CD34(+) cells (n = 17). Results confirm high frequencies of RAS and other activated signaling mutations (10/12 AMLs) and identify new recurrent mutations in splicing factors (5/12 AMLs in SF3B1 and 2/12 AMLs in U2AF1), IKZF1 (3/12 AMLs), and TP53 (3/12 AMLs). Mutations in IKZF1, a gene located on chromosome 7, and monosomy 7 are mutually exclusive in this disease. Moreover IKZF1 expression is halved in monosomy 7 leukemias. EVI-r AMLs are also characterized by a unique transcriptional signature with high expression levels of MECOM, PREX2, VIP, MYCT1, and PAWR. Our results suggest that EVI1-r AMLs could be molecularly defined by specific transcriptomic anomalies and a hitherto unseen mutational pattern. Larger patient cohorts will better determine the frequency of these events.

Publication date
January 1, 2015
Principal Investigators
Lavallée VP, Gendron P, Lemieux S, D'Angelo G, Hébert J, Sauvageau G
PubMed reference
Blood 2015;125(1):140-3
PubMed ID
The Leucegene Project at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada; Division of Hematology, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montréal, QC, Canada;