190 results
Deciphering the effect of UM171 on human hematopoietic progenitor cell fate through clonal analysis.
Coulombe P, Tomellini E, Chagraoui J, Mayotte N, Sauvageau G
Nat Commun
UM171 enhances fitness and engraftment of gene-modified hematopoietic stem cells from patients with sickle cell disease.
Liu B, Klatt D, Zhou Y, Manis JP, Sauvageau G, Pellin D, Brendel C, Williams DA
Blood Adv
A Phase II, Open-Label Study of Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone Followed by Donor Lymphocyte Infusions in Relapsed Multiple Myeloma Following Upfront Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant.
LeBlanc R, Thiant S, Terra R, Ahmad I, Claveau JS, Bambace N, Bernard L, Cohen S, Delisle JS, Lachance S, Kiss T, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Roy J
Curr Oncol
Comparative small molecule screening of primary human acute leukemias, engineered human leukemia and leukemia cell lines.
Safa-Tahar-Henni S, Páez Martinez K, Gress V, Esparza N, Roques E, Bonnet-Magnaval F, Bilodeau M, Gagné V, Bresson E, Cardin S, El-Hachem N, Iasenza I, Alzial G, Boivin I, Nakamichi N, Soufflet AC, Mirela Pascariu C, Duchaine J, Mathien S, Bonneil E, Eppert K, Marinier A, Sauvageau G, Deblois G, Thibault P, Hébert J, Eaves CJ, Cellot S, Barabé F, Wilhelm B
A Pilot Study of UM171-Expanded Cord Blood Grafts for Tandem Auto/Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant in High and Ultra-High-Risk Myeloma Patients.
Roy J, Cohen S, Sauvageau G, Ahmad I, Fournier V, Terra R, Caudrelier P, Thiant S, Thauvette G, Bambace N, Delisle JS, Lachance S, Kiss T, Bernard L, Roy DC, Veilleux O, LeBlanc R
Transplant Cell Ther
Genetic deletion of JAM-C in pre-leukemic cells rewires leukemic stem cell gene expression program in AML.
Grenier JMP, Testut C, Bal M, Bardin F, De Grandis M, Gelsi-Boyer V, Vernerny J, Delahaye MC, Granjeaud S, Zemmour C, Spinella JF, Chavakis T, Mancini SJ, Boher JM, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Vey N, Schwaller J, Hospital MA, Fauriat C, Aurrand-Lions MA
Blood Adv
Protein arginine methyltransferase 2 controls inflammatory signaling in acute myeloid leukemia.
Sauter C, Morin T, Guidez F, Simonet J, Fournier C, Row C, Masnikov D, Pernon B, Largeot A, Aznague A, Hérault Y, Sauvageau G, Maynadié M, Callanan M, Bastie JN, Aucagne R, Delva L
Commun Biol
Immunotherapeutic targeting of surfaceome heterogeneity in AML.
Bordeleau ME, Audemard E, Métois A, Theret L, Lisi V, Farah A, Spinella JF, Chagraoui J, Moujaber O, Aubert L, Khakipoor B, Mallinger L, Boivin I, Mayotte N, Hajmirza A, Bonneil E, Béliveau F, Pfammatter S, Feghaly A, Boucher G, Gendron P, Thibault P, Barabé F, Lemieux S, Richard-Carpentier G, Hébert J, Lavallée VP, Roux PP, Sauvageau G
Cell Rep
Near-perfect precise on-target editing of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
Cloarec-Ung FM, Beaulieu J, Suthananthan A, Lehnertz B, Sauvageau G, Sheppard HM, Knapp D
SF3B1 mutations provide genetic vulnerability to copper ionophores in human acute myeloid leukemia.
Moison C, Gracias D, Schmitt J, Girard S, Spinella JF, Fortier S, Boivin I, Mendoza-Sanchez R, Thavonekham B, MacRae T, Mayotte N, Bonneil E, Wittman M, Carmichael J, Ruel R, Thibault P, Hébert J, Marinier A, Sauvageau G
Sci Adv
KBTBD4-mediated Reduction of MYC Is Critical For Hematopoietic Stem Cell Expansion Upon UM171 Treatment.
Chagraoui J, Girard S, Mallinger L, Mayotte N, Tellechea MF, Sauvageau G
DELE1 haploinsufficiency causes resistance to mitochondrial stress-induced apoptosis in monosomy 5/del(5q) AML.
Spinella JF, Chagraoui J, Moison C, Lavallée VP, Boivin I, Gracias D, Lavallée S, Carpentier GR, Beliveau F, Hébert J, Sauvageau G
CBFA2T3::GLIS2 Pediatric Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia is Sensitive to BCL-XL Inhibition by Navitoclax and DT2216.
Gress V, Roussy M, Boulianne L, Bilodeau M, Cardin S, El-Hachem N, Lisi V, Khakipoor B, Rouette A, Farah A, Théret L, Aubert L, Fatima F, Audemard E, Thibault P, Bonneil E, Chagraoui J, Laramée L, Gendron P, Jouan L, Jammali S, Paré B, Simpson SM, Tran TH, Duval M, Teira P, Bittencourt H, Santiago R, Barabé F, Sauvageau G, Smith M, Hébert J, Roux PP, Gruber TA, Lavallée VP, Wilhelm B, Cellot S
Blood Adv
Corrigendum to’ UM171 expansion of cord blood improves donor availability and HLA matching for all patients, including minorities’ [Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 28/7 (2022) 410-410.
Dumont-Lagacé M, Feghaly A, Meunier MC, Finney M, Van't Hof W, Frenet EM, Sauvageau G, Cohen S
Transplant Cell Ther
GPRC5C Drives Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism in Leukemogenesis.
Zhang YW, Velasco-Hernandez T, Mess J, Lalioti ME, Romero-Mulero MC, Obier N, Karantzelis N, Rettkowski J, Schönberger K, Karabacz N, Jäcklein K, Morishima T, Trincado JL, Romecin P, Martinez-Moreno A, Takizawa H, Shoumariyeh K, Renders S, Zeiser R, Pahl HL, Béliveau F, Hébert J, Lehnertz B, Sauvageau G, Menendez P, Cabezas-Wallscheid N
Blood Adv
Improved Outcomes of UM171-Expanded Cord Blood Transplantation Compared with Other Graft Sources: Real-World Evidence.
Cohen S, Bambace N, Ahmad I, Roy J, Tang X, Zhang MJ, Burns LJ, Barabé F, Bernard L, Delisle JS, Kiss T, Lachance S, Roy DC, Veilleux O, Sauvageau G
Blood Adv
Towards clinically meaningful expansion of human HSCs.
Tellechea MF, Chagraoui J, Cohen S, Sauvageau G
Cell Res
Impact of Implementing a Bendamustine-Based Conditioning Regimen on Outcomes of Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Lymphoma while Novel Cellular Therapies Emerge.
Lachance S, Bourguignon A, Boisjoly JA, Bouchard P, Ahmad I, Bambace N, Bernard L, Cohen S, Delisle JS, Fleury I, Kiss T, Mollica L, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Veilleux O, Zehr J, Chagnon M, Roy J
Transplant Cell Ther
Bortezomib Maintenance After Allogeneic Transplantation in Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Patients Results in Decreased Incidence and Severity of Chronic GVHD.
Claveau JS, LeBlanc R, Ahmad I, Delisle JS, Cohen S, Kiss T, Bambace NM, Bernard L, Lachance S, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Veilleux O, Roy J
Transplant Cell Ther
Unified gene expression signature of novel NPM1 exon 5 mutations in acute myeloid leukemia.
Lisi V, Blanchard E, Vladovsky M, Audemard E, Ferghaly A, Lemieux S, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Lavallée VP
Blood Adv
HMGA2 expression defines a subset of human AML with immature transcriptional signature and vulnerability to G2/M inhibition.
Moison C, Spinella JF, Chagraoui J, Lavallée VP, Lehnertz B, Thiollier C, Boivin I, Mayotte N, MacRae T, Marinier A, Hébert J, Sauvageau G
Blood Adv
Donor Age and Non-Relapse Mortality: Study of Their Association after HLA-Matched Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome.
Kadri Y, Phan M, Bambace N, Bernard L, Cohen S, Delisle JS, Kiss T, Lachance S, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Veilleux O, Roy J, Ahmad I
Curr Oncol
UM171 Expansion of Cord Blood Improves Donor Availability and HLA Matching For All Patients, Including Minorities.
Dumont-Lagacé M, Feghaly A, Meunier MC, Finney M, Van't Hof W, Masson Frenet E, Sauvageau G, Cohen S
Transplant Cell Ther
Hyaluronic acid-GPRC5C signalling promotes dormancy in haematopoietic stem cells.
Zhang YW, Mess J, Aizarani N, Mishra P, Johnson C, Romero-Mulero MC, Rettkowski J, Schönberger K, Obier N, Jäcklein K, Woessner NM, Lalioti ME, Velasco-Hernandez T, Sikora K, Wäsch R, Lehnertz B, Sauvageau G, Manke T, Menendez P, Walter SG, Minguet S, Laurenti E, Günther S, Grün D, Cabezas-Wallscheid N
Nat Cell Biol
CEACAM1 is a novel culture-compatible surface marker of expanded long-term reconstituting hematopoietic stem cells.
Ansari U, Tomellini E, Chagraoui J, Lehnertz B, Mayotte N, Bordeleau ME, Roux PP, Sauvageau G
Blood Adv
Inhibition of mitochondrial complex I reverses NOTCH1-driven metabolic reprogramming in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Baran N, Lodi A, Dhungana Y, Herbrich S, Collins M, Sweeney S, Pandey R, Skwarska A, Patel S, Tremblay M, Kuruvilla VM, Cavazos A, Kaplan M, Warmoes MO, Veiga DT, Furudate K, Rojas-Sutterin S, Haman A, Gareau Y, Marinier A, Ma H, Harutyunyan K, Daher M, Garcia LM, Al-Atrash G, Piya S, Ruvolo V, Yang W, Shanmugavelandy SS, Feng N, Gay J, Du D, Yang JJ, Hoff FW, Kaminski M, Tomczak K, Eric Davis R, Herranz D, Ferrando A, Jabbour EJ, Emilia Di Francesco M, Teachey DT, Horton TM, Kornblau S, Rezvani K, Sauvageau G, Gagea M, Andreeff M, Takahashi K, Marszalek JR, Lorenzi PL, Yu J, Tiziani S, Hoang T, Konopleva M
Nat Commun
CDK7/12/13 inhibition targets an oscillating leukemia stem cell network and synergizes with venetoclax in acute myeloid leukemia.
He L, Arnold C, Thoma J, Rohde C, Kholmatov M, Garg S, Hsiao CC, Viol L, Zhang K, Sun R, Schmidt C, Janssen M, MacRae T, Huber K, Thiede C, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Spratte J, Fluhr H, Aust G, Müller-Tidow C, Niehrs C, Pereira G, Hamann J, Tanaka M, Zaugg JB, Pabst C
EMBO Mol Med
Real-World Outcomes of Autologous and Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Relapsed/Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma in the Era of Novel Therapies: A Canadian Perspective.
Veilleux O, Claveau JS, Alaoui H, Roy J, Ahmad I, Delisle JS, Kiss T, Bambace NM, Bernard L, Cohen S, Sauvageau G, Fleury I, Mollica L, Roy DC, Serroukh Y, Lachance S
Transplant Cell Ther
Outcomes in newly diagnosed young or high-risk myeloma patients receiving tandem autologous/allogeneic transplant followed by bortezomib maintenance: a phase II study.
LeBlanc R, Ahmad I, Terra R, Boudreault JS, Ogez D, Lamore K, Delisle JS, Bambace N, Bernard L, Cohen S, Kiss T, Lachance S, Landais S, Lemieux-Blanchard E, Sauvageau G, Sebag M, Roy DC, Roy J
Bone Marrow Transplant
Vesicular trafficking is a key determinant of the statin response in acute myeloid leukemia.
Krosl J, Bordeleau ME, Moison C, MacRae T, Boivin I, Mayotte N, Gracias D, Baccelli I, Lavallée VP, Bisaillon R, Lehnertz B, Mendoza-Sanchez R, Ruel R, Bertomeu T, Coulombe-Huntington J, Boucher G, Noronha N, Pabst C, Tyers M, Gendron P, Lemieux S, Barabé F, Marinier A, Hébert J, Sauvageau G
Blood Adv
HLF expression defines the human hematopoietic stem cell state.
Lehnertz B, Chagraoui J, MacRae T, Tomellini E, Corneau S, Mayotte N, Boivin I, Durand A, Gracias D, Sauvageau G
Legal and Ethical Considerations for the Design and Use of Web Portals for Researchers, Clinicians, and Patients: Scoping Literature Review.
Lang M, Lemieux S, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Zawati MH
J Med Internet Res
A genetic screen in Drosophila uncovers the multifaceted properties of the NUP98-HOXA9 oncogene.
Gavory G, Baril C, Laberge G, Bidla G, Koonpaew S, Sonea T, Sauvageau G, Therrien M
PLoS Genet
Overexpression of CD200 is a Stem Cell-Specific Mechanism of Immune Evasion in AML.
Herbrich S, Baran N, Cai T, Weng C, Aitken MJL, Post SM, Henderson J, Shi C, Richard-Carpentier G, Sauvageau G, Baggerly K, Al-Atrash G, Davis RE, Daver N, Zha D, Konopleva M
J Immunother Cancer
Cut-like homeobox 1 (CUX1) tumor suppressor gene haploinsufficiency induces apoptosis evasion to sustain myeloid leukemia.
Supper E, Rudat S, Iyer V, Droop A, Wong K, Spinella JF, Thomas P, Sauvageau G, Adams DJ, Wong CC
Nat Commun
Atypical acute myeloid leukemia-specific transcripts generate shared and immunogenic MHC class-I-associated epitopes.
Ehx G, Larouche JD, Durette C, Laverdure JP, Hesnard L, Vincent K, Hardy MP, Thériault C, Rulleau C, Lanoix J, Bonneil E, Feghaly A, Apavaloaei A, Noronha N, Laumont CM, Delisle JS, Vago L, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Lemieux S, Thibault P, Perreault C
Zinc finger protein E4F1 cooperates with PARP-1 and BRG1 to promote DNA double-strand break repair.
Moison C, Chagraoui J, Caron MC, Gagné JP, Coulombe Y, Poirier GG, Masson JY, Sauvageau G
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
UM171 Preserves Epigenetic Marks that Are Reduced in Ex Vivo Culture of Human HSCs via Potentiation of the CLR3-KBTBD4 Complex.
Chagraoui J, Girard S, Spinella JF, Simon L, Bonneil E, Mayotte N, MacRae T, Coulombe-Huntington J, Bertomeu T, Moison C, Tomellini E, Thibault P, Tyers M, Marinier A, Sauvageau G
Cell Stem Cell
UM171-Expanded Cord Blood Transplants Support Robust T Cell Reconstitution with Low Rates of Severe Infections.
Dumont-Lagacé M, Li Q, Tanguay M, Chagraoui J, Kientega T, Cardin GB, Brasey A, Trofimov A, Carli C, Ahmad I, Bambace NM, Bernard L, Kiss TL, Roy J, Roy DC, Lemieux S, Perreault C, Rodier F, Dufresne SF, Busque L, Lachance S, Sauvageau G, Cohen S, Delisle JS
Transplant Cell Ther
Single UM171-expanded cord blood transplant can cure severe idiopathic aplastic anemia in absence of suitable donors.
Claveau JS, Cohen S, Ahmad I, Delisle JS, Kiss T, Lachance S, Sauvageau G, Busque L, Brito RM, Bambace N, Bernard L, Roy DC, Roy J
Eur J Haematol
Newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients treated with tandem auto-allogeneic stem cell transplant have better overall survival with similar outcomes at time of relapse compared to patients who received autologous transplant only.
LeBlanc R, Claveau JS, Ahmad I, Delisle JS, Bambace N, Bernard L, Cohen S, Kiss T, Lachance S, Landais S, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Roy J
Clin Transplant
High frequency of germline RUNX1 mutations in RUNX1 mutated AML patients.
Simon L, Spinella JF, Yao CY, Lavallée VP, Boivin I, Boucher G, Audemard E, Bordeleau ME, Lemieux S, Hebert J, Sauvageau G
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using single UM171-expanded cord blood: a single-arm, phase 1-2 safety and feasibility study.
Cohen S, Roy J, Lachance S, Delisle JS, Marinier A, Busque L, Roy DC, Barabé F, Ahmad I, Bambace N, Bernard L, Kiss T, Bouchard P, Caudrelier P, Landais S, Larochelle F, Chagraoui J, Lehnertz B, Corneau S, Tomellini E, van Kampen JJA, Cornelissen JJ, Dumont-Lagacé M, Tanguay M, Li Q, Lemieux S, Zandstra PW, Sauvageau G
Lancet Haematol
Pathways, Processes, and Candidate Drugs Associated with a Hoxa Cluster-Dependency Model of Leukemia.
Kettyle LM, Lebert-Ghali CE, Grishagin IV, Dickson GJ, O'Reilly PG, Simpson DA, Bijl JJ, Mills KI, Sauvageau G, Thompson A
Cancers (Basel)
Genetic characterization of ABT-199 sensitivity in human AML.
Bisaillon R, Moison C, Thiollier C, Krosl J, Bordeleau ME, Lehnertz B, Lavallée VP, MacRae T, Mayotte N, Labelle C, Boucher G, Spinella JF, Boivin I, D'Angelo G, Lavallée S, Marinier A, Lemieux S, Hébert J, Sauvageau G
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a HMGA2 Prognostic Test for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Canadian Setting.
Tremblay G, Rousseau B, Marquis M, Beaubois C, Sauvageau G, Hébert J
Appl Health Econ Health Policy
The neuropeptide receptor calcitonin receptor-like (CALCRL) is a potential therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia.
Angenendt L, Bormann E, Pabst C, Alla V, Görlich D, Braun L, Dohlich K, Schwöppe C, Bohlander SK, Arteaga MF, Wethmar K, Hartmann W, Angenendt A, Kessler T, Mesters RM, Stelljes M, Rothenberg-Thurley M, Spiekermann K, Hébert J, Sauvageau G, Valk PJM, Löwenberg B, Serve H, Müller-Tidow C, Lenz G, Wörmann BJ, Sauerland MC, Hiddemann W, Berdel WE, Krug U, Metzeler KH, Mikesch JH, Herold T, Schliemann C
UM171 induces a homeostatic inflammatory-detoxification response supporting human HSC self-renewal.
Chagraoui J, Lehnertz B, Girard S, Spinella JF, Fares I, Tomellini E, Mayotte N, Corneau S, MacRae T, Simon L, Sauvageau G
Evaluation of the Impact of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation on the Quality of Life of Older Lymphoma Patients.
Lemieux C, Ahmad I, Bambace NM, Bernard L, Cohen S, Delisle JS, Fleury I, Kiss T, Mollica L, Roy DC, Sauvageau G, Roy J, Lachance S
Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant.
Allodepleted T-cell immunotherapy after haploidentical haematopoietic stem cell transplantation without severe acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in the absence of GVHD prophylaxis.
Roy DC, Lachance S, Cohen S, Delisle JS, Kiss T, Sauvageau G, Busque L, Ahmad I, Bernard L, Bambace N, Boumédine RS, Guertin MC, Rezvani K, Mielke S, Perreault C, Roy J
Br. J. Haematol.